Unapologetically You

From determining if it's safe to see relatives and rethinking travel during a pandemic, to navigating changes in our routines at work or complex situations at home, there are many reasons navigating these new times can take its toll on your overall wellness. That's why it is so important to remember to fill your cup first.

We have all heard the phrase “put your oxygen mask on first” but for many of us, we have been raised to think that being selfish is a bad thing, and it can be if you hurt or damage others in the process. But in general, being selfish is a great thing. You can’t take care of someone else until your own needs are met. That’s why airlines tell you to put on your oxygen mask before you place one on your child. You can’t love someone else until you love yourself first. As you take better care of yourself, your world will be taken care of in the process.………

So, here are 10 tips and tricks for “Self Care, Self Love, and being Selfish AF” -Katz Krochetz :

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: "It's ok to not be ok". During this season it may feel like you should always be "merry". Remember it's valid for you to feel whatever you're feeling and to live and accept those feelings for what they are.

  2. Take time for yourself every day. Make sure that every single day you have something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be something big and expensive. It can be a hot bath, a new magazine or a phone call to a friend. Most people get so busy in that they forget to enjoy themselves. If you always go to the gym and work out, don’t quit just because it is the season. Take some time for yourself. When you need a moment to pause, don't be afraid to step away and relax, meditate, or whatever it is that you like to do for you.

  3. Prioritize Your Physical Health: If you're feeling up to it, try and spend some time outdoors or getting sunlight. Make sure you're getting plenty of sleep and exercise (a walk, taking the stairs, a weekly class etc….) Regular physical activity is linked to reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. People who take really good care of themselves attract really good things and people into their lives. To keep your energy high while your being active try annieruthswellness.com

  4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Remember it's ok to say no. Everybody needs boundaries. A boundary is simply something that people can’t do to you or around you anymore. They are essential for your personal relationships, as well as in your careers. There can be a lot going on during this time and it's easy to get overwhelmed. Setting boundaries is important.

  5. Take Care of the Outside Too: Your skin loves you, so love it back in return. Our skin responds to consistency. With a little regular care, it will care for us in return. A good skincare routine keeps our skin happy and boosts our confidence. It allows us to face the day with a healthy glow. A good skin care routine is key to our internal and external wellness. Check out saadvirani.com for your selfcare routine.  

  6. Talk To Someone: Don't be afraid to reach out to a peer, a friend, or coach if you need to talk. Maybe even join a new group to connect with people with shared identities and experience.

  7. Use the ‘Joy Filter‘ for decision-making. If someone invites you to something ask yourself, “Will this add joy to my life?” If not, decline. You don’t have to go to every single party or event you are invited to. It feels great to be included and thought of but everything may not be a fit for you.

  8. . Go With the Flow. Going with the flow means that you align yourself with the energy that is already out there—that you go with your natural strengths and abilities. People who master their natural abilities tend to be both happy and successful. So step into the flow of life and start doing more of what you love to do, whatever that might be. If you love Zumba, sign up for a regular class. The more time you spend doing what you love to do the happier you’ll be.

  9. Let go of Energy Drains: The secret to having a long-term health, and happiness is to understand your personal and emotional needs and learn how to fulfill them in healthy ways. This also happens to be the best way to avoid toxic, energy-draining people, relationships and activities. It all boils down to getting crystal clear on what your needs are, how specifically you want those needs to be satisfied, and then putting in place firm and clear personal boundaries to protect you from those energy drains.

  10. Lastly….Be an angel. Give of yourself. Go out of your way once this season to do a good deed for someone else. Buy a coffee for a stranger, support a random small business, or bring cookies to the retirement home in your community, cravingsbye.com is a great small business to do both. Do some small thing to help another, or brighten someone’s day. Do something that you wouldn’t normally do, the effects are limitless.


Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop


Exhausted Possibilites